Alison, I am so impressed with your perseverance and strength. You kept going in the Olympic Diving competition even after you were injured, instead of just dropping out. I also admire that you’re not just doing this for yourself or to win medals and recognition, but to draw attention to the needs of others who are less fortunate. I am a fourth grade teacher. I am going to tell my students about you and what you are working for. When school starts we will have a fundraiser to help sponsor a student or students. We in the United States often take our access to a free education for granted without realizing the advantages it gives us, and that others don’t have these advantages. You are an amazing athlete- it takes so much skill and dedication to even make it to the Olympics. But we are seeing that you are also an inspiring human being. Thank you for your work, grace, sportsmanship, courage, generosity, and for speaking for those who may not have the chance to speak for themselves.

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Alison, I am so glad you had the opportunity to meet Mary. She and her husband Wallace are great people. I have had the pleasure of working with them and MOHI for the last couple of years. True down to earth people trying to share their love for the people of Kenya. My husband and I sponsor two boys in MOHI. Our oldest is a senior this year at Turkana high and our youngest is in third grade in Joska. I highly recommend you visiting the pangani school. The school is nestled in the Martha Slums and it is and unbelievable sight.

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As a sponsor of MOHI I had the privilege of getting to know Mary & Wallace personally and the work they have accomplished through their love and faith is truly amazing and you can be sure the money donated goes to the children


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Alison, my wife and I are long-time friends of Mary and Wallace, since the beginning of Missions of Hope. I'm just writing to assure you and your readers that theirs is one of the finest missions we know of, with a proven record of service and integrity. I commend you on your personal mission and your wisdom in teaming up with MOHI. Blessings, Roy and Joy

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We have supported children since 2010 and have taken medical mission trips to Nairobi and MOHI. We went first thinking we were ministering to them but soon realized that they were more of a blessing to us. It is a special ministry and the Kamau’s are special people who are ministering spiritually and physically to the people of Kenya. You must go and see how God is working through them. It will change your life forever.

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