Every job you do, every thing that knocks you down, every tear you cry, every wound inflicted upon you - each of these shapes who you are and prepares you for who you are becoming. You didn't quit competing yesterday, and you are a champion in life. My last year has been a tough one, but seeing you go on after your setback gives me hope and resolve to continue doing in the face of adversity. You are my Olympic hero from Paris 2024. Go do more great things!

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Amazing story, Alison! You’re a shining a brighter light through a darker time than you could ever imagine. Your comments are posted on my office door as an encouragement and reminder to my students. Thank you for using your platform to glorify Christ.

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Alison, you have handled this outcome with incredible strength and trust in God! I think there are amazing things in your future. What you have shown the world is exactly what character, sportsmanship, dedication and strength is. Congratulations on setting a powerful example❣️

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If you belong to Christ, God will guide your life in the way that will most glorify Him, and that means sometimes He has to humble us to work on our hearts to make us less prideful or self-glorifying and more Christ-exalting.

My example is I thought I was really good at chess, and I may be above average, but I spent a whole day exhausting myself to compete in a tournament only to get a devastating loss, and God did that to reorient my mind to not seek to defeat other people but to love them. Now when I play chess competitively, I silently pray for my opponent when we’re praying, and it’s a great opportunity to bless them with the love of Christ (Matthew 5:44, so to speak).

The common theme throughout scripture is that man will fail because there is only One who merits the eternal glory, and He shares His glory with no one (Isaiah 42:8). See how Moses did not enter the Promised Land himself after guiding God’s people so far because he disobeyed God by striking a rock to bring forth water instead of speaking to it as he was commanded (Deuteronomy 34:1-5; Numbers 20:7-10). Like Moses looking to the Promised Land, so we are seeking the city which is to come, accomplished for us by the blood of Christ alone. Knowing that we are bought with a price and that we are servants of the Most High should give us the greatest joy, knowing that our lives are not meant for our glory on the world stage but Christ’s. Knowing that Christ’s work within me and abroad is not dependent on anything I can do but on Him alone gives me the greatest joy and also rest (Matthew 11:28-30).

You’ve done a great job, Alison!

God bless,



“For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come.”

-Hebrews 13‬:‭14

“If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth; knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ.”

-1 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬-‭19

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I love this. Thank you so much for sharing <3

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Well, I am just so amazed and humbled and never expected to be able to interact with an ‘Olympian athlete’ in my lifetime. God bless! Isaiah

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2017 NCAA Champion

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You are amazing and doing amazing things. This is a model of persistence and authenticity in finding ways forward. As you've said, your Olympic journey is about bigger things, and you are holding steady to amplify the voices that need it and represent things larger than one event. Keep inspiring.

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You're an inspiration!...it's the journey not the destination as they say, and the journey is to the Glory of God. Sometimes, how we handle defeat has more impact than a victory. If life were a straight line upward, we wouldn't appreciate the struggle and lessons along the way. Blessings!

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Allison - You have inspired me over and over again! I could not be more proud to know you. Reading this reinforces the good you were intended for in this world. You have already claimed power over this moment and everyone before it and that will come after it. Go Team Allison!

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Alison you have inspired so many along the way already. Now, you are already modeling for others that setbacks don't mean defeat. Psalm 71:20-21 was my guiding verse for several years during an extended series of setbacks.

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Alison, you did your best and we are very proud of you no matter what. Your worth is in Christ and God is not surprised by what you are going through. He will accomplish His purposes through your life no matter what. God is in control! We love you Alison!!!

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Allison, getting back up and diving the rest of the event is a true testament to the spirit of the Olympic Games, your determination as an athlete, and your unwavering pride in representing our country. I believe that often the most is learned not from those who are victorious but from those who refuse to let failure keep them down. You inspired me immensely today and I think everyone could learn something valuable from the true character you showed on that pool deck. Keep your head up, your story has only just begun!

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Please ignore the noise and let the light shine in. Be proud of who you are in both great times and challenging times. This is merely a bump in your journey. Love your story. Your mission outside the pool and your comeback. Love your strength and resilience.

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“why would a good God let me make it all the way to this stage just to allow me to get crushed in front of the world?”

Because there is no god. Next question.

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You came all the way to her Substack to troll? You need God.

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Considering there is no god, you're right. I need nothing.

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I read the news in Facebook and I looked for your Instagram to tell you that I’m proud of you and how brave you are.

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